If you get the denominators to a common factor, the fractions 3/16 and 7/31 are equivalent to 93/496 and 112/496. From this, it is easier to see that 112/496 is larger. So, 7/31 is greater than 3/16.
0.31 as a fraction is 31 over 100 or 31/100.
31 over 100 or 31/100.
1.9375 = 19375/10000 and 31/16 and simplifies to: 115/16
using a calculator, type in 25 / (divided by) 31
No. 31/10 would be a vulgar (or topheavy) fraction.
416/31 as in improper fraction is 45161/10000
32/32 is the larger fraction.
0.7 is greater.
2/3 = (12*2)/(12*3) = 24/36 So 31/36 is bigger.
0.31 as a fraction is 31 over 100 or 31/100.
1 over 5 plus 3 = 31/5 or 16/15
31 over 16 as a mixed number = 115/16
31/100 is the simplest fraction form of 31 over 100
31 over 100 or 31/100.