Cube root of 27 is 3
Cube root of 30 will be slightly higher than 3 (since 30 is higher than 27 by a just a little) which happens to be 3.11 (to 3 significant figure, 3.107... on a calculator)
The cube root of 27,000 is: 30
There is no easy way. For example the cube root of 30 is irrational. Now, because 27 < 30 < 64 then, taking cube roots, 3 < cuberoot(30) < 4. But that is as far as it goes! If the number ends with 000 then the cuberoot is a multiple of 10. So that cuberoot(27000) = 10*cuberoot(27) = 10*3 = 30. But there are many numbers ending with 000 between 27000 and 64000 for which this will not work.
Cube root of 30 plus 30 times the square root of 3 = 55.29374608
The cube root of 27,000 is: 30
No, it is irrational.
Add 30 which becomes 2744 and its cube root is 14
the cube is 30 cm3 so its edge is (30)^(1/3) (cubic root) = 3.107... and the base is edge x edge = ((30)^(1/3))^2 = 30^(2/3)= 9.654 cm2
An approximate value would be 30 percent.
30-70 or so
Cubes of all numbers are irrational numbers, if they're not natural
A cuboid is another name for a cube. The three dimensions of a cube are identical and its volume is the product of its length, height, and width. Each of the dimensions of a 30 cubic cm cube is the cube root of 30 cubic centimeters, which is 3.10723251 cm to eight decimal places.
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