I know it's hard to tell when you just look at the fractions 2/5 and 3/8 . To make it easier to compare them, I'll change both of them to a form that's easier to see. -- If you have 2 fifths of something, then you have 40% of it. -- If I have 3 eighths of it, then I have 37.5% of it. -- 40 is more than 37.5, so it's easy to see that you have a little bit more of it than I have, and 2/5 is bigger than 3/8 .
Two thirds is (6 and 2/3) percent bigger than 5 eighths.
Three eighths is 3/8two fifths is 2/53/8 x 2/5 =2x3/8x5=6/40=3/203/20 is the ans
2/5 as it is same as 6/15 multiply both parts by 3
1 and 1/2
I know it's hard to tell when you just look at the fractions 2/5 and 3/8 . To make it easier to compare them, I'll change both of them to a form that's easier to see. -- If you have 2 fifths of something, then you have 40% of it. -- If I have 3 eighths of it, then I have 37.5% of it. -- 40 is more than 37.5, so it's easy to see that you have a little bit more of it than I have, and 2/5 is bigger than 3/8 .
Two thirds is (6 and 2/3) percent bigger than 5 eighths.
Three eighths is 3/8two fifths is 2/53/8 x 2/5 =2x3/8x5=6/40=3/203/20 is the ans
3/5. 3/5=60/100. 2/8=25. :D
2/5 as it is same as 6/15 multiply both parts by 3
No. 1/2 to 3/5 Turn iit to 5/10 and 6/10 Three-fifths is bigger.
1/4=2/8 therefore 3/8 is bigger
three fifths because if you simplify 2/10 it would be 1/5 so 3/5 is bigger.
3/6 is bigger than 2/8 because 1/2 is bigger than 1/4