A centimetre is greater than a picometre - if that is what the abbreviations stand for.
17 m = 1700 cm which is larger than 116 cm
It takes 10 mm to cover the same length as one cm, so the cm is larger.
A decimeter (dm) is 10 centimeters (cm), so 400 dm would be larger.
1 cm
The conversion between cm and pm are given .On finding the relation we get as follows . 1 cm =10 -10 pm. 100 pm =10 -8 cm.
for tamilnadu no pm. it is called cm.
Caesium (260 pm) has a larger covalent atomic radius than beryllium (105 pm).
10 billion.
17 m = 1700 cm which is larger than 116 cm
1 m is 100 cm so 990 cm is larger.
10 times larger. there are 10 mm in a cm.
105 cm is larger. 1 m = 100 cm
It is larger because 3.6 m = 360 cm
S has a larger radius. The atomic radius decreases across a period.
10 mm = 1 cm Therefore 14 mm = 1.4 cm As 1.4 is larger than 1 then 14 mm is larger than 1 cm.