Well, friend, when comparing fractions, it's important to look at the denominators. In this case, since both fractions have the same denominator, we can simply compare the numerators. Nine tenths is larger than four fifths because nine is greater than four. It's a beautiful thing when we can see the beauty and simplicity in numbers.
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Make the fractions equivalent fractions all with the same denominator and then it is easily seen which is larger:
Which is larger: 9/10 or 4/5
The LCM of 10 and 5 is 10, so make them both equivalent fractions /10:
9/10 = 9/10
4/5 = 8/10
9 is larger than 8, so the fraction that is equivalent to 9/10, which is 9/10, is the larger.
nine tenths is 90% and four fifths is 80% so nine tenths is bigger
Thirteen tenths
Nine tenths is larger.
Nine tenths minus four tenths is five tenths, which is also a half.
one and five tenths or one and a half