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5 microns is smaller than 10 microns

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Q: Which is smaller 5 microns or 10?
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Is 5 microns smaller or larger than 10 microns?

5 microns is smaller than 10 microns because if they both have the same index or exponent then the value of the 5 and 10 must or are compared . We all know that 10 is greater than 5 ;therefore, 5 microns is lesser.

Does a 5 micron or 10 micron filter remove smaller particles?

5 microns is less than 10 microns so a 5 micron filter removes smaller particles.

Is 10 microns smaller or larger than 50 microns?


What is a better filter 7 microns or 10 microns?

7 micron will filter smaller particles than 10 micron.

What is 2.5 microns in inches?

2.5 microns = 9.84251969 × 10-5 inches

What is better 1 micron or 5 microns?

1 micron is smaller

Is 6 microns smaller than 8 microns?


Is 5 microns larger than 25 microns?

A micron is a micrometer, or millionth of a meter. A micron is also 1/1000 of a millimeter.A micron is a micrometer, or millionth of a meter. A micron is also 1/1000 of a millimeter.A micron is a micrometer, or millionth of a meter. A micron is also 1/1000 of a millimeter.A micron is a micrometer, or millionth of a meter. A micron is also 1/1000 of a millimeter.

How many mm in 5 microns?

There are 1000 microns in a mm. There are 5000 microns in 5 mm

Which is thicker 5 microns or 100 microns?

100 microns is 20 times thicker than 5 microns

What is smaller .08 micrometers or 3 microns?

Micrometer is another terms of microns The micron or micrometer can also be expressed as: * 10-6 meter * One thousandth of a millimeter * One 25th of a thousandth of an inch * one microns = 0.001millimeter * 3 microns = 0.003 millimeter * 0.08 microns = 0.00008 millimeter Therefore: .08 micrometer is smaller than 3 microns

How many microns in 0.01mm?

10 Microns.