An approximation error is the discrepancy between an exact value and the approximation to it. This occurs when the measurement of something is not precise.
3.16227766 which is about 3.2
I'd say 2.1 or 2.
It looks like the decimal value of Pi - however, some of the digits are wrong... 3.14159265358979
The best approximation is, of course, the exact value. A reasonable approximation is 106.
An approximation error is the discrepancy between an exact value and the approximation to it. This occurs when the measurement of something is not precise.
value Winchester 140
What approximation is "best" depends on the required level of accuracy.
140 kilometers per hour is approximately equivalent to 87 miles per hour.
It is: 50
The approximate value of the item is 100.00.
It is 60