The largest decimal is .25 or 25%.
The largest fraction is 7/8 which as a decimal is 0.875
What is the decimal equivalent of the largest binary integer that can be obtained with (a) 11 bits and (b) 25 bits?
if not going to the number 1 there is infinit here is a big (rather small) decimal 0.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 etc. 8
Smt. Padma Mohanti Passport Officer A-17/12, Surya Nagar Unit VII,Bhubaneswar - 751003 Tel No - 0674-2394005/2533831/2393986/2533831 Fax - 0674-2394005 E-mail - other babu - 0674-2397834 0674-2393991
The largest decimal is .25 or 25%.
0.5 is the largest decimal
.0111 is the largest decimal.
It's from Chennithala, India
peter chch
largest decimal is 0.25 arranging the given decimals from largest to smallest: 0.25, 0.2, 0.04
It is: .0111 that is the largest
A percent is exactly 100 times the decimal.
not possible .99999999999999999999999999