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How do you become miss stardoll world on stardoll?

when the time comes in the year you will get an message on stardoll saying that miss stardoll is on and it will take you to a page where it says promote yourself click on it and it will say do these things and then it will ask you to copy this <div style="text- align:center;font:normal 12px/1.2 Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;color:#000;"><iframe src="" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" border="0" width="200" height="600"></iframe><span style="color:#943F88;display:block;margin:3px 0;"><a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#943F88;">Dressup games</a> at Stardoll</span></div> and it says to copy it on to websites and blogs .

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Who won miss stardoll world?

Well I am not sure but there is this girl named bieber315 and i heard that if you vote for her if she wins she will give you 2 stardollers for however many times you voted like if you voted 50 times you would get 100 stardollers here is her picture she is really pretty..... she does the same thing for catwalk covergirl and national is her picture.. just click it <div style="text-align:center;font:normal 12px/1.2 Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;color:#000;"><iframe src="" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" border="0" width="400" height="250"></iframe><span style="color:#943F88;display:block;margin:3px 0;"><a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#943F88;">Dressup games</a> at Stardoll</span></div>

How do you vote people on stardoll?

When you visit someones suite sometimes depending if they want you to vote they will have a small smiley face in the cornor of the suite (you know where you paint the room for you house and all that) well if you do that they might win. Chances are low though. um im just fixing this and im a different person so um no stardoll updates everything now and its not in the olden days now and now its 2011 so yeah everything is updated and we dont have little 'smiley faces' any more smarty!! stupid dummy..... people want to know how to do that if they type the question in duh?!! they dont want to know old stuff like you are doing and you are probably this perv 45 year old mad who pretends to be a 12 year old on stardoll being a boy and asking for sex i bet you do that freek!! its not there fault for answering a question when it comes out! jeez leave them alone they were just trying to help whoever asked that question and you made fun of them and completely humiliated them.