01234 is, technically a 4-digit number.
Also, 10234 is not the smallest 5 digit number. The smallest 5 digit [positive] number is 10000.
10000 and idc?
Two versions of this question have been merged ... the one that asks forthe smallest 5-digit number, and the one that asks for the largest.If we're talking integers (whole numbers), then-- the largest 5-digit number with no repeating digits is 98,765 .-- the smallest one is 10,234 .-- If decimals are included, then the largest number is the same,but the smallest one is .01234 .
This depends on what you mean by smallest. The smallest four-digit whole number is 1,000; the smallest four-digit real number is .0001 (1/10,000); the smallest four-digit integer is -9,999.
No. 1000 has 4 digits and is the smallest 4-digit number. The smallest 3-digit number is 100.
The smallest 2 digit whole number is 10 The smallest 2 digit odd whole number is 11
1001 is the smallest 4 digit palindromic number.
10234 If you're cheap, you can go 01234
Two versions of this question have been merged ... the one that asks forthe smallest 5-digit number, and the one that asks for the largest.If we're talking integers (whole numbers), then-- the largest 5-digit number with no repeating digits is 98,765 .-- the smallest one is 10,234 .-- If decimals are included, then the largest number is the same,but the smallest one is .01234 .
Among whole numbers only, it's 10,234 .If decimals are also allowed, it's .01234 .
-99 is the smallest two digit number.-99 is the smallest two digit number.-99 is the smallest two digit number.-99 is the smallest two digit number.
There are 600 of them.
105 - is the smallest tree-digit number that has the digit 5
The smallest, positive 5-digit whole number is 10,000