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The set of whole numbers is represented by Z.

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Q: Which is the symbol used to write a whole number?
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A symbol used to write a number?


How do you write the number seven in Europe?

The following symbol is used to indicatethe number 'seven' throughout Europe:7

A symbol used for counting?

The symbols used for counting in math are called numbers, or numerals. They can be whole numbers, or fractions of parts of a number.

What is a symbol used for counting?

The symbols used for counting in math are called numbers, or numerals. They can be whole numbers, or fractions of parts of a number.

A symbol used for counting in math?

The symbols used for counting in math are called numbers, or numerals. They can be whole numbers, or fractions of parts of a number.

A symbol used for counting is called what?

The symbols used for counting in math are called numbers, or numerals. They can be whole numbers, or fractions of parts of a number.

What is the German word for the word number?

Depending on context, number can be translated as-NounNummerZahlZifferAnzahlVerbnummerierenzählenbeziffernZ is the symbol for the whole numbers or integers used in mathematics."From abbreviation of German Zahlen("numbers")."

What symbol is used before a number to make it a label?

The symbol used before a number to make it a label is a hash sign (#).

What symbol is used to show the number of protons in a nucleus?

For the no of proton "A" is used.

What is a letter or symbol used to stand for a number?


Which mathematicians first used the symbol pi and why?

Any mathematician will use the number pi (and its symbol) sooner or later - it is a number used extensively in many different areas of mathematics.

What is a symbol that is usually a letter used to represent a number?

A variablẹ