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The set of whole numbers is represented by Z.

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Q: Which is the symbol used to write a whole number?
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A symbol used to write a number?


How do you write the number seven in Europe?

The following symbol is used to indicatethe number 'seven' throughout Europe:7

A symbol used for counting?

The symbols used for counting in math are called numbers, or numerals. They can be whole numbers, or fractions of parts of a number.

What is a symbol used for counting?

The symbols used for counting in math are called numbers, or numerals. They can be whole numbers, or fractions of parts of a number.

A symbol used for counting is called what?

The symbols used for counting in math are called numbers, or numerals. They can be whole numbers, or fractions of parts of a number.

A symbol used for counting in math?

The symbols used for counting in math are called numbers, or numerals. They can be whole numbers, or fractions of parts of a number.

What is the German word for the word number?

Depending on context, number can be translated as-NounNummerZahlZifferAnzahlVerbnummerierenzählenbeziffernZ is the symbol for the whole numbers or integers used in mathematics."From abbreviation of German Zahlen("numbers")."

When is it necessary to write a decimal that included a whole number?

When you are dealing with a mixed fraction.

Why do not use the atomic number often when you write the atomic symbol?

The atomic number is typically not used together with the atomic symbol because the atomic symbol already implies the atomic number. The atomic symbol consists of one or two letters, with the first letter capitalized, and the second letter, if present, in lowercase. The atomic number is the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom and is unique to each element.

What symbol is used before a number to make it a label?

The symbol used before a number to make it a label is a hash sign (#).

What is the symbol used to represent a nucleus?

The symbol used to represent a nucleus is "Au", which is a combination of the atomic symbol and mass number.

An abbreviated way to write the name of an element?

The symbol of the element is used as an abbreviation for its name.