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Efficiency = Output/Input.

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Q: Which math ratio represents efficiency?
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Related questions

What is an efficiency ratio?

The efficiency ratio for a machine usually refers to the ratio of the useful energy available from a machine and the energy put into it.

The ratio of output force to input force is the what?

The ratio of output force to input force is known as mechanical advantage. It represents how much a machine multiplies the input force to produce the output force.

What is the efficiency formula of lever?

The efficiency of a lever can be calculated using the formula: Efficiency = (output force × output distance) / (input force × input distance) * 100%. It represents the ratio of the output work done by the lever compared to the input work applied to the lever.

What does math ratio mean?

A math ratio means 2 separate parts of a fraction.

What is a colon in math?

A colon in math represents a ratio. For example, if you have 3 apples for every 2 oranges you have, the ratio would be 3:2. This can also be expressed as 3 2 (in fraction form). Hope this helps!

What is a ratio table in math terms?

a ratio table is a way of presenting a ratio on a math table... pretty self-explanatory

How do you do efficiency?

increased sa:v ratio

What is the ratio of output to input?


Does the math term ratio mean multiply?

No, the math term ratio doesn't mean multiply.

What ratio sHows an organization's effectiveness in minimizing production costs?

efficiency ratio

What is the Pi for math?

Pi is a mathematical constant which represents the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle.Pi is an irrational number, so an exact value cannot be given.Decimal approximation: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749...

How do you improve efficiency?

increased sa:v ratio