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First of all to correct your spelling. It is 'Leap Year'.

Every month has at least 28 days.

In NON-Leap Years February has 28 days only and in a Leap Year it has 29 days.

Here is a verse to remember it.

'Thirty days hath September,

April, June and November.

All the rest have thirty one,

Excepting February alone,

Which has twenty eight days clear,

And twenty nine days in a Leap Year'.

Such is the Earth's rotation, and orbital track , we make one complete 'point-to-point' orbit of the Sun in 365.256 days. 'point 25#' is nearly a quarter of a day. So in every four years the Earth completes 1461.024 days.

So the 'point' 0.024 is arly part of one day, so we add on the extra. day . However, this still leaves a slight time discrepancy, of '0,024' of a day which is corrected about once every hundred years. I think this discrepancy was last corrected at the New Year (1999/2000).

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āˆ™ 1w ago
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āˆ™ 11y ago

Each month.

And it is a leap year, not a leep year!

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Q: Which month has 28 day in a leep year?
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