Since 3 divides both 240 and 285, it is tempting to start with 3 as a common divisor of both 240 and 285. However, since 3 and 5 both divide 285, and 30 divides 240, we probably should start with 15. Fifteen divides into 240 16 times with no remainder. Fifteen also divides into 285 19 times. Since 16 and 19 are relatively prime to each other, 15 is the greatest common divisor of 240 and 285.
It is: 1200/240 = 5
120, 240, 360, 480, 600, 720, 840 +120 . . .
The factors of a given number are those numbers which divide into the given number exactly without any remainder. The multiples of a given number are those numbers into which the given number divides exactly with no remainder (that is the given number's times table). example The factors of 60 are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30, 60 since they all divide into 60 without any remainder The multiples of 60 are: 60, 120, 180, 240, 300, 360, 420, 480, 540, 600, (and so on) since they are all divisible by 60 with no remainder.
This is going to be a negative number. When you subtract 360 from 240 you will get -120 as your answer.
There are 240/2 = 120 of them
120% of 200= 120% * 200= 1.2 * 200= 240
240/5 = 48 because 5*48 = 240 5 will not divide into 2 5 divides into 24, 4, 4x5 = 20 24 - 20 = 4 bring down the 0 5 divides into 40, 8, 8x5 = 40 40-40 = 0 no remainder answer 48
The LCM is 240.