12 mm is the most precise.
measuring tape
the number on the rightthe 8 in this example30.8 is more precise than 30 or 31
The number of significant figures should be equal to the significant figures in the least precise measurement.
But according to the rules of significant figures, the least number of significant figures in any number of the problem determines the number of significant figures in the answer which, in this case, would be 11.
Yes, the precision of an answer depends on the precision of the measurements used in the calculation. The number of significant figures in the answer should match the least number of significant figures in the measurements.
44.49 is more precise than 44.5 but less precise than 44.491 - The larger a number becomes the more precise it is.
no only if it is precise it is accurate
The measurement 57.213 is the most precise because it has the most decimal places, indicating a higher level of accuracy than the other measurements provided.
A centimetre is the most precise.
foot is the most precise way to measure any unit
2.5cm is the most precise measurement of the two measurements.
It is not; there are more precise measurements.
how should the hair be to produce the most precise cut
98.6 degrees is most precise.
We have no precise records of the number of battles fought, big and small, by the two cities.
Here are some example sentences for precise: It is difficult to be precise about the number of deaths caused by smoking. There is no precise method of measuring intelligence. At that precise moment, the phone rang.