0.71 is larger than 0.707. When comparing decimals, you look at the place value of the last digit. In this case, the last digit in 0.707 is in the hundredths place, while the last digit in 0.71 is in the tenths place. Since the tenths place is larger than the hundredths place, 0.71 is the larger number.
When you have fractions with like denominators, the larger is the one with the larger numerator.
Ten thousand times larger.
.02 is larger than .0013
One billion is one thousand times larger than one million.
0.6 is larger
15 071
.0707 repeating is equal to 7/99, seven ninety-ninths.
The address of the Historical Society Of Helotes is: Po Box 707, Helotes, TX 78023-0707
The address of the Killingworth Historical Society is: Po Box 707, Killingworth, CT 06419-0707
There is no area code 071 in North America. North American area codes never begin with zero.
The address of the Digital Game Museum is: 3553 Ryder Street, Santa Clara, CA 95051-0707
It is 1.000 071 001 176 9*10^12
1/2 is larger.
The address of the Waterloo-Grant Township Public Library is: 300 South Wayne Street, Waterloo, 46793 0707