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Q: Which should come next at the end of this series of numbers 1 2 0 3 -1?
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This is the series of square numbers, (16= 4*4). The next number is 5*5=25.

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In a series of numbers, there are rhythms that change. In the order of 100, 140, and 40, the number that would come next would be 80 because 40 should be added.

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The next number is -21

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The next four number in the sequence are... 4,5,5 & 6

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In this series, the 1st, 3rd, and 5th numbers double as they progress, while the 2nd. 4th, and 6th number decrease by 4. That being the case, the next 2 numbers in the series would be 24, 4.

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Well, the pattern is the previous number plus the current number. So the next three numbers would be 21, 34, 55...

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-57The first two numbers in the series has a difference of 89. The next two numbers (209, 129) has a difference of 80. The next two (129,58) has a difference of 71. As you can see the differences change by 9, so the next two numbers in the series (58, -4) has a difference of 62. Following this pattern, the next two numbers in the series will have a difference of 53. So the next number in this series will be (-4-53 = -57).

What is the next number in the Fibonacci series?

The sum of the previous two numbers in the series.

Which number should come next in the series 1 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 5 - 8 - 13 -?

Since this appears to be the start of the Fibonacci sequence, the next number would be 21, which is found by adding the two previous numbers (8 + 13 = 21).