23 quarts, because a quart is a smaller unit of measurement.
KGA is not a standard unit of measurement in the International System of Units (SI). It is possible that KGA is a specific unit used in a particular industry or context, but without further information, it is difficult to provide a definitive answer. If you can provide more context or details, I can offer a more precise explanation.
19.2cm is more precise
A measurement in pints is more precise.
Both can be precise it depends on what you are measuring
Cups is more precise.
A millilitre is more precise.A millilitre is more precise.A millilitre is more precise.A millilitre is more precise.
While the statement is true, there is no unit with that meaning.
The smaller unit of measure used is called a precision unit. Using a smaller unit allows for more detailed measurements, leading to greater accuracy in the final measurement. Essentially, the more precise the measurement, the smaller the unit used to measure it.
A pound is a smaller unit of weight, so you could be more precise using it. A ton is just two-thousand pounds.
By unit of length and distance and conversion ,we can say that 1 km =1000 m metres are more precise than km
foot is the most precise way to measure any unit
If your looking for a more precise answer it's millimeters,but if your looking for just a unit it could be centimeters.
Milligrams are the most precise unit out of the options given, followed by centigrams, decigrams, and grams. Milligrams are one-thousandth of a gram, making them the most precise in measuring small quantities, while grams are the least precise as they represent a larger quantity.
3 3-16 is more precise. it gets a closer measurement. 1-2 means 0.5 of the unit measurement 3-16 means 0.1875 of the unit measurement
the answer is Exact or accurate smaller the unit or fraction of a unit used in measuring more precise than a measurement to the nearest foot