They were great mathematicians. Archimedes, Gauss and Newton are probably the greatest ever.
It is five.
Um... WHAT???
"The" five mathematicians? There surely are much more than five.
Hom are the five mathematicians
pythagoras of samos
Archimedes was among the greatest mathematicians of antiquity. Leonhard Euler is widely considered one of the greatest mathematicians and Issac Newton, from Newton's laws of MOTION!! xD
Leibniz was one of the two greatest mathematicians of the 18th century.
The "famous five" were not mathematicians, they were characters in Enid Blyton books.
He was one of the three most greatest Greek mathematicians of all time.
Five famous mathematicians are: Ada Lovelace, Augustus De Morgan, Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, and Adam Smith.
Ramanjuan probably has as good a claim to that title as anyone.
Gauss is ranked along with Archimedes and Newton as one of the three greatest mathematicians of all times.
she was the first woman to win a award and becoming what she wanted to be a mathematicians.