

Who divided Athens into 10 tribes?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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i dont kno but they were greek

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Q: Who divided Athens into 10 tribes?
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Who divided up the citizens of Athens into ten new tribes from the four ones?


Who divided of the citizens of Athens into ten new tribes from the four old ones?


Who divided up the citizens of Athens into ten new tribes from the four old ones?


How Many Athenian tribes were in Ancient Greece?

There were 10 tribes noted by Thucydides (if I remember correctly) in his work on the Peloponnesian War. A quick search of the 10 tribes of Athens gave me: # Erechthesis # Aegeis # Pandianis # Leontis # Acamantis # Oeneis # Cecropis # Hippothontis # Aeantis # Antiochis

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