The name of the one who invented pi is hypotenuse.
No-one "invented" the ratio known as pi, but establishing its original discoverer is another matter.
As for "Hypotenuse" - "he" is the name for the longest side of a right-angled triangle. It was never anyone's name.
who invented, or came up with "pi" in math? How did they come up with the estimation of 3.14?
john wallis
'pi' was NOT invented. It was DISCOVERED. Going back to ancient history ; the Sumerian Civilisation ; it was found that the diamter of a circle was always directly related to the circumference. This relationship was found to be 3.141592..... Later , in the Classical Greek Civilisation , 'pi' was applied. 'pi' is the small case letter 'p' from the Classical Greek alphabet. It refers to constant of PROPORTION of circles. Today we have the two equations' C = pi d & A = pi r^(2) pi is an IRRATIONAL number, which means the decimals go to infinity, AND the decimal digits are not in any regular order. Supa=Dupa computers have calculated 'pi' to 50 billion places and still going!!!!! In school, you are probably given pi = 3.14 or 3.1416 or 22/7 , but these are only approximations.
Pi isn't an invention, it's a definition. It is defined as the ratio of any circle's circumference to it's diameter. If anything, it's a discovery. Euclidean geometry, attributed by Greek mathematician Euclid was the first recorded system used to show Pi as a mathematical constant. Archimedes was a famous ancient Greek mathematician and inventor. He accomplished the computation of pi.
(pi)(1/pi)=1.4396 ...
It was not invented it was discovered.
George VI created pi.
Pi is the relationship between the diameter and the circumference of a circle.
It is unknown which specific person invented pi, but ancient Egyptians are the first group to have used it.
a person
pi is a universal constant and was not invented by anybody. It was known to the ancient Babylonians long before the Swiss were literate.
archimedes a famous greek inventor invented pi
your fat mouth