Square numbers were not "invented" by a single individual, as they are a mathematical concept that has been understood and studied for thousands of years. The concept of square numbers dates back to ancient civilizations such as the Babylonians and Greeks. The term "square number" refers to the result of multiplying an integer by itself, resulting in a number that forms a square when represented visually.
According to Askville...
"The ancient Babylonians routinely manipulated squares and square roots (see below)
The term square is as old as the oldest written record. The ancient Babylonians routinely manipulated squares and square roots.
Babylonian mathematics was, in many ways, more advanced than Egyptian maths. They could extract square and cube roots, work with Pythagorean triples 1200 years before Pythagoras, had a knowledge of pi and possibly e (the exponential function), could solve some quadratics and even polynomials of degree 8, solved linear equations and could also deal with circular measurement. Babylonian mathematics was based much more on algebra and less on geometry, in contrast to the Greeks."
The answer will depend on which five square numbers!The answer will depend on which five square numbers!The answer will depend on which five square numbers!The answer will depend on which five square numbers!
They were not invented, they just "are".
The square of any real number is non-negative. For example (-3)2 = +9 So, no real number can have a negative square root. Occasionally, though, mathematicians come across the need to find the square root of a negative number (for example in solving some quadratic equations). So they invented a family of numbers called imaginary numbers and the i (lower case) stands for the imaginary square root of -1. Apart from having a negative square, they are just like "ordinary" real numbers.
Square numbers * * * * * Although "perfect square numbers" is more descriptive.
There are 10 square numbers
Its not a question of being invented. Square numbers were known to the ancient Greeks and Egyptians
Nobody invented it. It was a consequence of the definition of numbers. Nobody invented it. It was a consequence of the definition of numbers. Nobody invented it. It was a consequence of the definition of numbers. Nobody invented it. It was a consequence of the definition of numbers.
Well, no one knows who exactly 'invented' rational numbers. Most nations believed all numbers were rational until Pythagoreas proved this untrue by the square root of two.
The answer will depend on which five square numbers!The answer will depend on which five square numbers!The answer will depend on which five square numbers!The answer will depend on which five square numbers!
The set square was invented in America in 1860.
Irrational numbers have been known since very early times. For example, it was recognised that the length of the diagonal of a unit square was not a rational number.
A square is a shape and a shape cannot be invented.
yes because square numbers have to be hole numbers to be square
the Chinese invented directed numbers:)
There are no prime numbers that are square numbers
The set square was invented in America in 1860.
Numbers with square roots that are whole numbers