The × symbol for multiplication was introduced by William Oughtred in 1631.
Oughtred also introduced the abbreviations sin and cos for sine and cosine functions.
Robert Recorde, who designed the equals sign, introduced plus and minus in 1557. Brahmagupta was an Indian mathematician who invented the multiplication sign around the 19th century. Johann Rahn first used the division sign in his book Teutshe algebra in 1659.
The multiplication sign on my keybord is * or ctrl 8
x It's just called the "multiplication sign" or "multiplication operator".
= is the equals sign + is the plus sign * is the multiplication sign / is the divide sign - is the minus sign
It was invented, not discovered.
The × symbol for multiplication was introduced by William Oughtred in 1631.
Multiplication is invented by Human. Maths is not invention of single individual. Many Mathematicians around world discovered and invented new things and added them into Maths.
The sign of multiplication is x or *
Robert Recorde, who designed the equals sign, introduced plus and minus in 1557. Brahmagupta was an Indian mathematician who invented the multiplication sign around the 19th century. Johann Rahn first used the division sign in his book Teutshe algebra in 1659.
The multiplication sign on my keybord is * or ctrl 8
Multiplication was invented by the Babylonians thousands of years ago.
I believe the Babylonians invented multiplication.
multiplication was invented to duplicate a number according to its requirement Eg:10x5=50
There are many ways to indicate multiplication. You can use an x, a dot, or parenthesis. 4x2=8 (4)(2)=8
÷division sign (a.k.a. obelus)1659Johann Rahn×multiplication sign1618William Oughtred