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Carl Friedrich Guass

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Q: Who is a famous mathemetician?
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mathemetician and pysicist, who worked for NASA

What is science related occupation?

Scientist, chemist, biologist, physicist, mathemetician

Who was ramanagen?

Indian Mathemetician. One of the greatest untrained minds in mathematical history

What familiar English word is invariably pronounced wrong by every mathemetician?


Was Blaise Pascal Canadian?

No, he was French. Born 1623 in the Auvergne cegion of France, died Paris 1662. He was a mathemetician, physicist and religious philosopher.

What is jurrasic park about?

Jurassic park is about two palentologists, a mathemetician, two kids, and an old guy trying to survive on an island filled with escaped dinosaurs.

Was euclid poor?

NO! He was a very rich in intelligence. Euclid was a mathemetician who lived in Alexandria, Egypt during the reign of Ptolemy I. He is best known for his genius work, a treatise called, The Elements.

What was Benjamin Bannekers major invention?

Not inventions as much as accomplishments. He was appointed to a team of surveyors to map out Washinton,DC. He was also a scientist, mathemetician, and astronomer, and published an Almanac for many years.

Why does an equal sign look like two lines?

An equal sign IS two lines. Whatever mathemetician first invented the symbol apparently thought it was the best symbol to show equality (equal-ness).

What is the unsolved problem of fermat?

Fermat's Last Theorem, which took 358 years to prove, was that "no three positive integers a, b, and c can satisfy the equation an + bn = cn for any integer value of n greater than two." The theorem was finally proven in 1995 by Andrew Wiles, who is a British mathemetician.

Why does m represent the slope and s doesnt?

Because of the Slope-Intercept equation. The model of any line can be described by the formula y=mx+b. The m is a number that represents the slope of a line. Whoever discovered the equation chose m instead of s. Probably because s usually represents the summnation of a series of numbers, so the mathemetician chose m to prevent confusion.