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One of the most famous female mathematician is Hypatia born in Egypt and had an Egyptian father. Women of Nubia used calenders and noted the seasons for planting, but I guess the inadation of the Nile River in Egypt has put all of that history under water.

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Q: Who is the most famous African American female mathematicians?
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Find 3 female mathematicians What is their nationality or country birth date and what was their contribution to math?

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What are the top ten famous mathematicians?

I don't know all of them, but i know that you have to include euclid, Einstein, Aristotle, and Plato _____________________________________________________________________________________________ The ten most important mathematicians of the ancient Greece were: Thales of Miletus, Pythagoras of Samos, Eratosthenes, Zeno of Elea, Archimedes of Syracuse, Apollonius of Perga, Euclid, Hero of Alexandria, Hypatia of Alexandria [the first female mathematician], Pappus of Alexandria

Who are three female mathematicians and their nationality birth date and contribution to math and science?

Jessica Sanchez born august 1971 Crisis Randale born july 14 1972 Lesile Faulk born october 17 1981

What kind of math did grace alele Williams study?

Grace Adele Williams became famous by being the one of the first female Nigerian women to obtain a PhD in mathematics. She was also Nigeria's first female Vice-Chancellor at University of Benin 1985-1991.Grace Alele Williams studied algebra. Grace became famous by using a mthod in algebra to make her famous.

What are the names of three female mathematicians?

Olga Taussky; Todd (1906-1997). matrix theory.Maria Agnesi; wrote the first mathematics book by a woman that still survivesand was the first woman appointed as a mathematics professor at a university.Amalie Emmy Noether; (23 March 1882 - 14 April 1935) was a German mathematicianabstract algebra and theoretical physics. Described by Albert Einstein and others as the most important woman in the history of mathematics,emale mathematician to get her Phd from CalTech, she is not real

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For being the first African American female to earn an airplane license as well as the first American to have an international license

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Is there any famous female mathematicians?

There are many female mathematicians, many still living. Recently Irene Anne Stegun passed away. She was the primary editor of a classic book of mathematical tables called A Handbook of Mathematical Functions.

Are there any black female mathematicians?

Yes, there are black female mathematicians. Check related links

Who was the first African American female poet?

Phillis Wheatley was the first African-American female poet and the second among the African-American published poet. She was born in Senegambia and came to America as a slave at the age of seven.

Why was edmonia Lewis important?

edmonia Lewis was a famous sculptor, the 1st African American female o be famous as a sculptor check out this site on wikipedia on her: