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w-w stands for winchester-western.

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Q: Who makes w-w ammunition?
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How did women make ammunition for ww's?

They worked on lathes and other factory machines that the men would have used but were all off fighting for the war.

What is a lapua bullet?

Lapua is a Finnish company that makes ammunition and ammunition components. They make many different kinds of bullets.

Who makes wolf ammunition?

Wolf ammunition is made primarily in Russian factories and is imported into the U.S by SSI, an American company. They also have factories making ammunition in Germany as well.

What is corrosive ammunition?

Corrosive ammunition is simply any ammunition (usually older military) that uses primers containing potassium chlorate. The residual salts from primer combustion contain potassium chloride, which is highly hygroscopic - water in atmosphere combines with the salt to form a corrosive liquid, which will pit, corrode or rust the rifle bore. Corrosive salts are water soluble and today, cleanup only requires a few patches soaked with soapy water or even Windex, followed by your favorite bore cleaner. Consider any WW I or WW II surplus ammunition to be corrosively primed, and clean accordingly.

What is lifespan of ammo?

If properly stored in cool, dry conditions, modern ammo has a very long shelf life. We do not know how long, since modern day ammo dates to about WW II (1940s). I have recently shot WW II ammunition, and it works fine.

Why did the orchestra get an r rating?

Too Much Sax and Violins



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ww ww w ww

What is the adaptation of burdock?

ww ww w ww

What is hotchkiss?

Hotchkiss Hotchkiss with distinctive rigid strip ammunition feed invented by Benjamin Hotchkiss (1826-85) and used by the French, British, and US Armies during and after WW I.

What is the result from a cross between the parents Ww and Ww?

The genotypes produced from a cross between Ww and Ww would be: WW Ww Ww ww -The cross between these two genotypes would produce gametes with genotypes in a 1:2:1 ratio.

In a certain cat long whiskers (W) are dominant and short whiskers (w) are recessive. Two cats have genotypes Ww and ww. If they have an offspring with short whiskers what is the genotype of their off?
