

Who many prime numbers begin with 9?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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Infinity. There's an infinite number of place values, so you can create an infinite number of numbers that start with nine. Some of these will be prime, and since there is an infinite number of numbers starting with nine, there is an infinite number of prime numbers that start with 9 as well.

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How many prime numbers are there between zero and 20?

Remember 1 is not a prime number because it is only divisible by itself. 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19 These are the prime numbers between 0 and 20. In short, there are 9 prime numbers between 0 and 20.

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There are 4 prime numbers between 20 and 40.

How many whole numbers between 1 and 150 have exactly 3 different factors?

There are five whole numbers between 1 and 150 that have exactly 3 different factors. Whole numbers between 1 and 150 with exactly 3 different factors must be the square numbers whose square roots are prime.To find the complete list begin counting... skip 1, not prime; 2 is prime and 2 squared is 4; 3 is prime and 3 squared is 9; skip 4 b/c it is not prime; 5 is prime and 5 squared is 25; 6 not prime; 7 prime and 7 squared is 49; 8 not prime; 10 not prime; 11 prime and squared is 121; 12 is not prime; 13 prime, but squared it is greater than 150. The complete list is 4, 9, 25, 49, and 121. 4 has 1, 2, 4 9 has 1, 3, 9 25 has 1, 5, 25 49 has 1, 7, 49 121 has 1, 11, 121

Which set of numbers contains only prime numbers?

The set of prime numbers or any subset of it.

Is 9 prime?

No 9 is not prime. It's factors are 1,3,9. Proper factors: 1,3. Factors are numbers that are multiplied with other numbers to get a product. Proper factors are factors of a number except for itself. No 9 is not prime. It's factors are 1,3,9. Proper factors: 1,3. Factors are numbers that are multiplied with other numbers to get a product. Proper factors are factors of a number except for itself. Composite numbers are numbers with more than 2 factors and more than 1 proper factor. Prime is the opposite of composite.