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Sesquicentennial refers to the 150 years anniversary.

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Q: Who many years is sesquicentennial?
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How many years are celebrated by a sesquicentennial?

150 years.

How many years are celebrated in a Sesquicentennial?

A 150th anniversary.

How often does a sesquicentennial occer?

Every 150 years a sesquicentennial occurs.

The term sesquintennial refers to how many years?

150 years (but spelling should be SESQUICENTENNIAL)

Sesquintennial means how many years?

"Sesquicentennial" (another syllable there--"cent") means 150 years.

What is the word for 150 years?


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How often does a sesquicentennial event occur?

Every 150 years.

How long is a sesquicentennial?

One hundred fifty years. The prefix "sesqui" means "one and a half". "Centennial" means "one hundred years". America's sesquicentennial was on July 4, 1926.

When is Idaho's centennial celebration?

In 1990. Its sesquicentennial (150 years) will be in 2040.

How old is a town celebrating it's sesquicentennial?

150 years old

How many years in a sesquicentenary?

150.Where:Sesqui = 1 and one half and centenary = 100 year anniversary.In American English, sesquicentenary is sesquicentennial.