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Who coined the phase " i'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees"

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Euripides was probably the origin of this quote..

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Q: Who said id rather die on your feet than live on my knees?
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Who said It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees?

Albert Camus

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extremely ticklish. She said in a interview for a Canadian TV. She said her most ticklish spots are armpits, feet, ribs and knees. But she is ticklish all over.

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The Apostle James was so dedicated to prayer that it is said that his knees were calloused from time spent in prayer--on his knees. He prayed so long and so much that his knees were known as the camels knees

Who said you would rather die on your feet then live on your knees?

The person who said that is the symbol of revolution and sells more t-shirts that Nike. His name was Ernesto Che Guevara he was borned in Argentina, and killed in Bolivia. He helped the Cuban revolution with Fidel Castro (that still is in power). Also his socialist ideas inspired many revolutions in Latin America and around the world. It is worth mentioning that the quote is also attributed to Emiliano Zapata, a Mexican Revolutionary General at the beginning of the 20th century.

How do you say knees in abaluya language?

The English word 'Knees' is said in the African Abaluhya (Luhya) language as "amasikaamo".

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He said he hurt his knees and back and said he should be back by unforgivion

Who said it is better to die on one's feet than to live on one's knees?

Albert Camus, in his essay, "The Rebel: An Essay on Man in Revolt" the quote is also attributed to Emiliano Zapata. the Mexican revolutionary general.

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Is there any animal that can hear with its legs?

yes, crickets have their ears in their knees, so they hear with their legs.

How long was boudicca's hair?

Her red hair was said to have hung down to her knees.

Do bees have knees?

Bees have jointed legs, and they have femurs and tibias, but no patellas (knee caps) so can't really be said to have knees.

Which way do rhino's knees bend?

2. A previous answer here said four, however only elephants have four knees. A rhino's legs rotate like a dog or cats, so they only have 2 knees.