A problem well stated is a problem half solved. Charles Kettering http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Charles_Kettering
"Find the unit cost of an air ticket if two of them cost 2700."
No, 40% is not considered a lot. Usually, "a lot" is defined as more than half or over 50%.
Half-eaten Hot dog ~Apex because I just took the test.
The area of any triangle is defined as half the base multiplied by the height.
J Dewey
A problem well stated is a problem half solved, quoted by Charles Kettering (1876 - 1958) a US electrical engineer and inventor
It means that when you have taken the trouble to clearly define what a problem is, you may be on the way towards knowing how to solve it.
John Dewey said, "A problem is half-solved if properly stated." This means that the first stage (which is the most often overlooked) in problem solving is to state the problem. There is no shame in taking a little extra time in understanding exactly what the problem is that is needing to be solved. Stating the problem, is half the battle.
Charles F. Kettering, I believe.
You finally catch Jaws and kill him? The great white is a symbol for a problem that feels very big and dangerous. This dream suggests that the problem is about half solved.
Tie him to a bed gag him and close the door problem solved say bi bi to headache
I is solved by Harry chasing down Severus Snape and then Snape stuns Harry and tells harry that he is the half blood prince and he dare use his spells against him
you can download audacity and highlight half the mp3. (you need LAME.ENC.dll for the program to work). hope this helps!
Gas cap needs to be retightened... there is air leak in the tank! Remove gas cap and retighten it Had this problem with my SLK230. Bought new gas cap off e-bay for half what dealer wanted and my problem was solved.