we use discrete mathematics in industry and business
Algebra is the branch of mathematics that uses letters called variables in place of numerals. Algebra is an extremely important foundation of every branch of mathematics.
To indicate nothing is there.
Algebra uses variables to represent the unknown numeral.
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we use discrete mathematics in industry and business
because we need to count
Algebra is the branch of mathematics that uses letters called variables in place of numerals. Algebra is an extremely important foundation of every branch of mathematics.
Contemporary mathematics refers to mathematics in general application and can be used anytime, anywhere and regardless of who uses it. In general, business mathematics and mathematics of investment may be well classified under this category.
To indicate nothing is there.
Management accounting uses lots of 'discrete mathematics'. Financial markets & related jobs use a lot of economics based mathematics. Look for any book on 'financial mathematics'.
Yes, chemistry uses mathematics. But being great with mathematics is not enough for studying chemistry: you must enjoy the subject.
Only one. The fun of Mathematics.
M.C Esher
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