Marin Mersenne (1588-1648) was a monk in France who studied science, especially mathematics. He made some important discoveries in mathematics and musical theory. Some people suggest that his most important contribution to science and mathematics was his correspondence with other scholars. His work on prime numbers of the form 2n-1 resulted in their being known as Mersenne primes.
The smallest Mersenne number is 2.
The 41ist Mersenne Prime is 224036583 - 1, as this number is huge (7235733 digits long), I will not paste it here, however if you would like to see it you can check the related link
A Mersenne number is one less than a positive power of two. Since the positive power of two is always even, one less than that is always odd.
I can tell you for sure that he is NOT gay at all. He is straight in all the possible ways
marin barleti
Marin Mersenne was born on September 8, 1588.
Marin Mersenne was born on September 8, 1588.
Marin Mersenne died on September 1, 1648 at the age of 59.
Marin Mersenne died on September 1, 1648 at the age of 59.
Marin Mersenne was born on September 8, 1588 and died on September 1, 1648. Marin Mersenne would have been 59 years old at the time of death or 426 years old today.
Mersenne numbers are named after the French monk Marin Mersenne who studied them in the early 17th century.
Claude Mydorge, and Father Marin Mersenne
yeah im doing homework on it and im really not sure.
2 is the lowest Mersenne prime.
The smallest Mersenne number is 2.