he is the first mathematician to every live on this earth
Isac Newton
arya bhatta
William Oughtred
Robert Recorde Hope
Ada Byron Lovelace was an English mathematician. She is most known for having created the first computer program that was used on Charles Babbage's, Analytic Engine.
The first computer closely related to today's computer was invented by Charles Babbage between 1833 and 1871. Babbage was a British mathematician. Konrad Zuse was the inventor of the first programmable computer.
The astrolabe.
No. The first computer program came several years before Word did. There does not seem to be any agreement as to what the first program was, but suffice it to say there were several that came before Word. In fact, Ada Lovelace arguably wrote a "computer program" in 1842!
The program that Ada Augusta Countess of Lovelace wrote for Babbage's (never built) Analytical Engine was simply an appendix to her English translation of an Italian mathematician's paper on the machine. It was written solely as an illustration of usage of the machine. She wrote it for her readers.
The Countess Ada Augusta of Lovelace is usually credited with designing and writing the first computer program. However as the computer it was written for, Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine, was never built this program was largely an academic exercise.The first program for a computer that was actually built was designed in 1944 and ran on the British cryptanalytic computer Colossus. It is unknown who did the work as the entire project was classified and most of the records were destroyed after the war.The first program for a stored program computer (the type that modern computers are), consisting of 17 instructions, was written by Tom Kilburn, and first ran on June 21, 1948 on the Manchester Baby computer.
Ada Lovelace.
Charles Babbage. there are other questions on this English mathematician and computer inventor. it was called an analytical engine, not how you spelled it
The first mathematician is Arya bhatt.
BASIC for the Altair computer
Definitely an anti virus protection program, without these your computer won't work at all.
She WAS. She has been dead for over 150 years. She worked with Charles Babbage, the inventor of the first multi purpose computer, and she is believed to be the first computer programmer.