Since a seismograph is a device used to measure the magnitude earthquakes, someone who studies earthquakes would use it.
I would use kilometers.
you would use grams
In the US, I would use yards.
You would use "my feet have", since feet are plural. If you wanted to use "has", you would need to say "my foot has".
it depends. If you were mesuring length then you would use meters. If you were measuring volume you would use cubic meters. If you were measuring weight you would use metric tons.
A seismograph is the device that scientists use to measure earthquakes. The goal of a seismograph is to accurately record the motion of the ground during a quake
Here are some sentences.Scientists use a seismograph to measure movement in the earth.The seismograph showed that an earthquake had occurred.
The seismograph needle fluttered wildly during the aftershock.
Multiple seismographs
A seismograph is the device that scientists use to measure earthquakes. The goal of a seismograph is to accurately record the motion of the ground during a quake
They use a seismograph
The seismograph measured the intensity of the seismic waves
Use a Seismograph.
Use a seismograph.
A seismograph.
seismogram and seismograph!
Lilly, who is a scientist, used a seismograph to determine the strength of the earthquake that had just hit Haiti.