Martin Gardner, who wrote for Scientific American. among others: Mathematical Carnival, Mathematical Circus, etc. They had various logical puzzles with explanations given. Gardner had a smooth and erudite style, something like Isaac Asimov in his many science Fact articles- such as in TV guide.
Euclid's Elements is a mathematical and geometric treatiseconsisting of 13 books written by the ancient Greek mathematician Euclid in Alexandria, Ptolemaic Egyptc. 300 BC. It is a collection of definitions, postulates (axioms), propositions (theoremsand constructions), and mathematical proofs of the propositions.
a collection of definitions, postulates (axioms), propositions (theoremsand constructions), and mathematical proofs of the propositions.
He created the Venn diagram and wrote books about what he did.
he wrote them in his note books. He carried them where ever he went on his belt!
Johannes Kepler wrote several books in his lifetime. Some of his books are Epitome of Copernican Astronomy and Harmonies of the World, Selections from Kepler's Astronomia Nova, and The Six-Cornered Snowflake.
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Stephen Barr has written: '2nd miscellany of puzzles mathematical and otherwise' 'Our Ending Dark Age' 'Experiments in topology' -- subject(s): Topology 'New Jersey' -- subject(s): Industries, Civilization, Economic conditions, Pictorial works '2nd miscellany of puzzles' -- subject(s): Puzzles, Mathematical recreations 'Intriguing puzzles in math and logic' -- subject(s): Mathematical recreations, Puzzles 'Puzzlequiz' -- subject(s): Juvenile Riddles, Juvenile literature, Puzzles, Riddles, Riddles, Juvenile
Edward Hordern has written: 'Sliding piece puzzles' -- subject(s): Mathematical recreations, Puzzles
Charles Weaver has written: 'Hidden logic puzzles' -- subject(s): Logic puzzles, Mathematical recreations
Henry Ernest Dudeney has written: 'Modern puzzles' 'Amusements in mathematics' 'Canterbury puzzles, and other curious problems' '536 puzzles & curious problems' -- subject(s): Puzzles, Mathematical recreations '536 curious problems and puzzles' 'Modern puzzles and how to solve them' '536 Puzzles and Curious Problems (Five Thirty Six Puzz Prob SL 241)' '536 puzzles & curious problems' '300 best word puzzles' -- subject(s): Word games 'Amusements in mathematics' 'The Canterbury puzzles and other curious problems' -- subject(s): Puzzles, Riddles, Mathematical recreations 'Puzzles and curious problems' -- subject(s): Puzzles
Ivan Moscovich has written: 'Sensational Shape Problems & Other Puzzles (Mastermind Collection)' 'Leonardo's Mirror and Other Puzzles (Mastermind)' 'Perplexing Pattern Problems & Other Puzzles (Mastermind Collection)' 'The Shoelace Problem and Other Puzzles (Mastermind)' 'Ivan Moscovich's Super-games' -- subject(s): Puzzles, Games, Mathematical recreations 'Fiendishly frustrating brain-twisting puzzles' -- subject(s): Lateral thinking puzzles, Mathematical recreations 'Deviously Difficult Mind-Bending Puzzles' 'Magic Arrow Tile Puzzles' 'Leonardo's mirror and other puzzles' -- subject(s): Puzzles, Scientific recreations 'Puzzling Reflections' 'The Monty Hall problem and other puzzles' -- subject(s): Puzzles 'Puzzlegrams too!' 'Genius Gymnasium' 'Probability games' -- subject(s): Probabilities, Juvenile literature, Mathematical recreations 'Peerless Probability Problems & Other Puzzles (Mastermind Collection)' 'The Shoelace Problem & Other Puzzles (Mastermind Collection)'
Geoffrey Mott-Smith has written: 'Mathematical puzzles, for beginners and enthusiasts' -- subject(s): Mathematical recreations
A complete list of mathematical puzzles and games would be impossible to produce. There are simply too many and many were never written down.
Claude Birtwistle has written: 'Mathematics with a Calculator' 'Mathematical puzzles and perplexities: how to make the most of them' -- subject(s): Mathematical recreations
he wrote fourteen books
No he wrote his books in Latin.
Shakespeare did not write any books. He wrote plays, and lots of poetry, but he never wrote any books.