0.887 = 887/1000 in fraction
1 and 887.
887 is a prime number. So its only factors are 1 and 887.
887 is rounded to 900
999 + 1 = 1000 Therefore, 999 comes before 1000.
I think you mean what are the factors of 887 and in that case the factors of 887 are 1 and 887 making it a prime number.
887 in Roman numerals is DCCCLXXXVII
887 is a prime number.
It is 887/100.
If you mean the whole number that comes after 1000, that is 1001.If you really mean it the way you wrote it, it is impossible to answer your question.The reason it is impossible is because between any two real numbers is another real numbers.For example, 1000.1 comes after 1000. But 1000.01 comes after 1000 but before 1000.1.But 1000.001 comes after 1000, but before 1000.01.No matter what number you say comes after 1000, I can find another number that comes even sooner after 1000.