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Anti-Stokes line is much less intense than the Stokes line. This occurs because only molecules that are vibrationally excited prior to irradiation can give rise to the anti-Stokes line. Hence, in Raman spectroscopy, only the more intense Stokes line is normally measured.

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Q: Why anti stokes line in raman spectra much weaker compared to stokes line?
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In Raman spectroscopy, the weaker lines that appear on the higher energy side of the main Stokes peak are known as anti-Stokes lines. These lines are generally less intense than the Stokes lines due to the lower population of molecules in the excited state compared to the ground state at room temperature. Anti-Stokes lines provide valuable information about the energy levels and temperature of the system under study.

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I need Database of raman spectra I have some Raman Spectra. I want to know the peaks are related with which molecule?

You can compare your Raman spectra with existing databases like the RRUFF database or the NIST Chemistry WebBook to identify peaks related to specific molecules. These databases provide reference spectra for a wide range of compounds, allowing you to match your experimental data with known molecules based on peak patterns and intensities.

What is stokes line and anti stokes line in Physics?

In physics, Stokes lines and anti-Stokes lines are lines on a Raman spectrum that correspond to low and high energy shifts, respectively, due to inelastic scattering of light. Stokes lines occur at lower frequencies than the incident light, while anti-Stokes lines occur at higher frequencies than the incident light. These shifts provide information about the vibrational modes in a molecule.

Can you perform raman spectroscopy on metals and alloys?

Yes, Raman spectroscopy can be performed on metals and alloys to provide information about their molecular vibrations, crystalline structure, and chemical composition. However, since metals and alloys exhibit strong fluorescence and may not produce strong Raman signals, specialized techniques and equipment may be required to overcome these challenges.

What is meant by polarized Raman spectra?

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Are there different types of raman spectroscopy?

Yes, there are different types of Raman spectroscopy, including spontaneous Raman spectroscopy, surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS), and resonance Raman spectroscopy. Each type utilizes different methods to enhance the Raman scattering signal and provide insights into different sample properties.

Why Raman spectroscopy is prefered than other techniques?

Raman is used a lot as it is not sensitive to atmospheric water and CO2 usually won't stand out on the spectra. Its also useful in most settings as there is no sample prep needed, which is quite a difference to somthing like IR spectra which need nujol mulls or KBr plates. In comparison to IR the bands of the spectra are usually smaller and sampling is non-destructive. In an industrial setting raman can be used with fiber optic cables to remotely monitor reactions and product formation.

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