No they do not, take a big prime number and compare it to a smaller composite number. The number 6833 as only two factors (divisors), namely 1 and itself. But the number 68 which is much smaller has more factors or divisors. 68 has 2 and 4 and 17 and 1 and itself which is already more divisors than 6833.
The divisors of 469 are its factors. The factors of 469 are 7 and 67 (together with 469 and 1).
same question i am asking i hope some one will see this question and improve this answer by putting in the divisors of that number
16 has the divisors 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16.
Divisors of 99 are: 1, 3, 9, 11, 33, 99 Prime factors of 99 are: 32 X 11
Because 'divisors' and 'factors' are different names for the same thing.
They are two names for the same thing.
Yes. Divisors and factors are basically the same thing.
They aren't. Different words for the same thing.
Because factors and divisors are the same thing.
They are different terms for the same thing. Call them factors when you're multiplying and divisors when you're dividing. So it is just like dividing
Yes, factors and divisors are the same thing.
Because factors and divisors are essentially the same thing.
They are two different words for the same thing.
Factors are numbers that produce a product when multiplied together. A divisor is a number that produces a product when multiplied by a quotient, which is also a factor. When you're dividing, you call them divisors and when you're multiplying you call them factors, but they're just different words for the same thing.
There's not a lot to explain. They're different words for the same thing. When you're multiplying, you call them factors. When you're dividing, you call them divisors.
They're just different words for the same thing.