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When people want or need to cooperate in in doing or building things then there needs to be a way that they can agree on the size of the bits that each is making.

If this were not the case then things would not fit together.

However if we all agree how long a meter is and we make a room 10 meters long and 10 meters wide, we know that we need 100 square meters of carpet to cover its floor. Without this standard unit of measurement when we went out to buy carpet, we may get too much or too little.

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Q: Why are standard units for measurement so important?
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Why is it so important for industrial countries to have a standard of measurements?

Standard measurement units are needed so that something made to specification in one factory will join up with a part made in another factory/country.

Why there is need of standard units of measurement?

Standard units of measurement allow other people to know what you mean when you use those units. To make this recipe you need four ounces of butter. OK, we know how much that is. If we had no standard units, it would be very hard to accurately convey exactly how much butter the recipe requires. And then what would your cookies taste like?

Why do you measure using standard units instead of measuring with and kind of units?

So that when you discuss the measurement with other people,they'll know what you're talking about.

Why is it important for a measure to have an international standard?

Why is ti important fo a measurement system to have an international standard

What is the meaning of nonstandard units of measurement?

A non-standard unit of measurement is a way of reporting measurements in terms of units whose value only a few people may know. Many of the early, non-standard units of measurement, which were based on the human body, were like that. Everybody does not have the same span so saying that a table is 12 spans long is not particularly helpful. Some of these were ;ater standardised: palm = 3 inches, hand = 4 inches (10.16 cm) and so on.

Why is it important to include units of measure in data tables?

it is important so you know the measurement and also if you get a question or something that says show the units of measure in data tables so they know you know how to do it because that is reallyimportant to learn and if not you will have difficulties in life

What unit is the SI unit?

It is one of a set of measurement units. The basic units aremetre : lengthkilogram : masssecond : timeampere : electric currentkelvin : thermodynamic temperaturemole : amount of substancecandela : luminous intensity.Then there are derived units such as for speed: metres/second and so on.

Why do we need standard units of measurement?

It would be quite confusing if everybody used different units - or different definitions for the same units. But that was exactly what happened in the past - for example, a pound in one country is generally NOT the same as a pound in another country.

Why is it important to measurements using a standard?

to make the same type of measurement around world so that there is a universal when measuring certain substances.

Why is it important to have clearly defined quantities and units in measurement?

Because.... There are two types of physical quantities. Fundamental and derived. Fundamental units cannot be derived from any of the two types of units while derived units can be derived from these two types of units. It's important to be clearly defined as there are so many indices of the base number. And no one can derive the units if they aren't properly defined

Why must scientist use standard units of measure in their experiments?

They have to use standard units of measurements in their expirements, so they can commpare data

How can SI unit overcome if problems that may arise if standard unit are not used?

2.Cause confusion and disagreement among people that are using different units of measurement. E.g. one people use arm span to measure a length of a cloth and another is using metre(m) so there will confusing and misunderstanding between them. 3.Some of the problems that may arise if Standard International (SI) units are not used include conflict or discrepancies in data collection since there is no standard measurement, conflicting results amongst the various research personalities as well as inaccurate representation. These are basically the derived units that are mostly expressed in terms of the base units.