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I'm not, I'm smarter than you so suck it.

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Q: Why are you failing math?
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If you have a c in math and another one in math what is your final grade?


Can you get held back for failing math and science?

yes you can sorry........:(

How did the student who studies hard manage to improve her math grade from failing to passing?

The student improved her math grade from failing to passing by studying hard and putting in extra effort to understand the material.

I have been failing math and science and im tying my best to do good but still keep failing what should I do?

If you are failing math and science and you're trying your best, maybe you should get a study buddy or a tutor who can help. Studying with a classmate always helped me to do better in school. I wasn't good in math either. Now I am a payroll specialist. Try it.

How do you get your math grade up when you are failing?

Ask your teacher for an extra credit project.

How does math apply in becoming a doctor?

Math applies for becoming everything. That is why I want to try my best in math because without math I would be failing my life, so try your best and make that your favorite subject.

What is an example of defense mechanism compensation?

You are failing math so you decide to be the best basketball player on the team

What is an example of Achilles heel?

"Math is considered her Achilles heel. She always gets failing grades in that class."

Are they failing country kitchen investment group?

they went from 249units in 2001 to 64 units in 2010.You do the math and how is that working out for you?

If you got a C in math what would you do?

A C is pretty good to me, so I'm just happy I'm not failing.

What do you do when your failing school math?

Study study study. Look up practice problems, and tutorials on youtube, or get tutoring.

Is it true that if you are good at math you will fail calculus and linear algebra?

No. Chances are it will be the other way around: if you are bad at math, you stand a good chance of failing calculus or linear algebra. You will perform best at calculus and algebra if you have a strong math background.