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Why can you hear your friends gossiping even when they are standing around a corner but cannot see them until you have walked thiere

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Q: Why can you hear your friends gossiping even when they are standing around a corner but cannot see them until you have waled around the corner to join them?
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If the rumors are about you then ignore them because people who gossip about others will pick on one or more people and then grow weary of it and pick on someone else. You cannot stop rumors, but as long as you have faith in the good person you are then your true friends will be there to back you up. If someone is gossiping and spreading rumors about someone you know then risk being different and let the person or persons gossiping about that person know that it is wrong to gossip about things they probably know little about.You must also make sure you do not give people anything to gossip about.

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you cant, but your monster can, if you tickle it, take it some place, buy things for it, or just because they are standing around bored. but you cannot talk for safety issues. but you can communicate with other players on your pinboard.go to you're pin bored (in the right hand corner) and were is says add message you can say what you want to your friends.

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If they are truly your friends then they cannot be stolen.

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A grandparent with legal custody would have standing to request a child support order for support from the biological parents. If the grandparents have no legal standing they cannot bring an action for child support.A grandparent with legal custody would have standing to request a child support order for support from the biological parents. If the grandparents have no legal standing they cannot bring an action for child support.A grandparent with legal custody would have standing to request a child support order for support from the biological parents. If the grandparents have no legal standing they cannot bring an action for child support.A grandparent with legal custody would have standing to request a child support order for support from the biological parents. If the grandparents have no legal standing they cannot bring an action for child support.

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