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Copernicus's model of the solar system was published in 1543. This model had the Sun at the centre and was taken up by Galileo in a way that caused a big row with the catholic church.

Kepler produced a later model in 1609 that eventually replaced all the earlier models. It used Copernicus's idea of placing the Sun at the centre, but it used the novel idea of elliptical orbits.

From a scientific point of view, whether the Earth or the Sun is at the centre is not a highly significant part of the theory. However it is of religous significance because it involves interpretation of the scriptures, and this is how Galileo's intervention led him into trouble.

Newton's discoveries in gravity and the laws of motion showed that elliptical orbits, with the Sun at the centre, could be explained by theory, and so we use Kepler's model today, and everyone accepts that including the Church.

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Q: Why did it take so long for Copernicus' ideas to become widely accepted?
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