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she wanted to see how long her sister sleep

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Q: Why did the math student bring a ruler to bed?
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Related questions

What is a bed joke-?

A bed joke usually means an intimate joke or an inside joke, usually shared with a family member

What tool do you use to measure how long my bed and wide my bed is?

a measure tape or a big ruler

Do you get bedbugs by urinating on your bed?

Urinating on your bed does not bring bedbugs.

Why do cats bring toys to bed?

Cats bring toys to bed as a natural instinct to hunt and play. They see their toys as prey and bringing them to bed is a way for them to feel secure and satisfied.

What in math rhymes with bed rock?

head lock

What was the name of the ruler of ancient Egypt whose tomb had a golden bed?


Why does my cat bring toys into my bed?

Cats bring toys into your bed as a natural instinct to hunt and provide for their owner. It is a way for them to show affection and share their prey with you.

Who is the famous ruler of ancient Egypt whose tomb contained a golden bed?


Where is the math workbook belonging to Rafaela Regallis?

Probs under the bed.

Why does my cat bring toys to bed?

Cats bring toys to bed as a natural instinct to hunt and play. They may see their bed as a safe place to play and store their toys, or they may be trying to show affection by sharing their toys with you.

Where to find completed math worksheets?

Well you can complete your math worksheet, hide it under your bed, then find it and act very surprised.

Are the bed-in-a-bag sets the best types to get for a college student?

Bed in a bag sets are great for college dorms they offer everything you need for your bed in one matching bag.