No, 69 is not a square number.
Half of 69 is 34.5. When dividing an odd number like 69 by 2, the result will be a decimal as there is no whole number that can evenly divide it in half. Therefore, half of 69 is 34.5.
The number 69 is used to denote the sexual position of 2 people giving oral sex to each other at the same time.
Well the problem with the number 69, is that my friend here ... (Sausage Lover) is very dramatic and says that it is two weenas are in 69 one upside down and the other in the right direction! 69 all the way!
It is a sex position.It is like the circle on the 6 is the male or females head and same on the 9 and the of the number is their body.69
No, 69 is not a square number.
Everyday People
The number 69 is used to denote the sexual position of 2 people giving oral sex to each other at the same time.
Well the problem with the number 69, is that my friend here ... (Sausage Lover) is very dramatic and says that it is two weenas are in 69 one upside down and the other in the right direction! 69 all the way!
69-69-69 ;)
many people can like cats but some don't
69 is a specific sex position where two people are on top of each other having oral sex
69 is a composite number because it is a multiple of 3 and 23.
69 is the number after 68 and the number before 70
It is a sex position.It is like the circle on the 6 is the male or females head and same on the 9 and the of the number is their body.69