Because angles, which start at 0 degrees, travel in that direction. When an angle is at 0 degrees, it is located to the right of the y-axis, and on the x-axis. As the degrees grow larger, the angle unfolds to the left, or counter-clockwise.
Counter clockwise.
Are the four quadrants.
coordinate plane was created by the Romans
I'm thinking quadrants would be the answer.
Counter clockwise.
The coordinate plane is divided into four quarters by the axes. These are the four quadrants.
The four parts of a coordinate plane are called quadrants. These parts are divided up by the x and y-axis, which can be labeled using roman numerals (I-IV) or Q1-Q4. Quadrants are labeled counter-clockwise, beginning in the upper right-hand side and ending in the lower-right-hand side.
are the four quadrants.
Quadrants result when a coordinate plane is divided by its axes in fours.
Are the four quadrants.
The four quadrants.
The x and y axes separate the coordinate plane into 4 quadrants.
coordinate plane was created by the Romans