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People say (and studies show) that this ratio is aesthetically pleasing. Of any rectangle, people like the golden rectangle the most. However, even though studies show a correlation between the ratio phi and beauty, it is important to know that these studies do not imply causation. Artists like to use it because the ratio is aesthetically pleasing, but I believe it has more to do with muscles in the eye and their movements being easier to encompass the whole picture than any of this golden ratio stuff.

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Q: Why do some artists try to use the golden ratio in their artwork?
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What the significance of golden ratio?

The golden ratio (or Phi) is a ratio that is very commonly found in nature. For instance, some seashells follow a spiraling path at the golden ratio.

Which ratio of your body measurements fits the Golden Ratio?

None. There are some measurements which, in some people, are approximately equal to the Golden Ratio but those same measurements, for other people, are not.

Why is the golden ratio interesting?

The Golden Ratio is interesting due to it being in place throughout nature. The Golden Ratio is present within humans, several species of plants, and even in the shells of some species invertibrates.

What is the historical significance of the golden ratio?

History Golden Ratio ( 1.61803398875...) The golden ratio has fascinated Western intellectuals of diverse interests for at least 2,400 years. According to Mario Livio: Some of the greatest mathematical minds of all ages, from Pythagoras and Euclid in ancient Greece, through the medieval Italian mathematician Leonardo of Pisa and the Renaissance astronomer Johannes Kepler, to present-day scientific figures such as Oxford physicist Roger Penrose, have spent endless hours over this simple ratio and its properties. But the fascination with the Golden Ratio is not confined just to mathematicians. Biologists, artists, musicians, historians, architects, psychologists, and even mystics have pondered and debated the basis of its ubiquity and appeal. In fact, it is probably fair to say that the Golden Ratio has inspired thinkers of all disciplines like no other number in the history of mathematics. Source: Wikipedia, Golden Ratio

Where in nature can you find the golden ratio?

MathYou can find the golden ratio in nature in some flowers such as the Cosmo, the iris, the buttercup, the daisy and the sunflower, it is also found in some fruits and vegetables such as the lemon, the apple, the chili and the artichoke.

What are some real life examples of the Golden Ratio?

You read about all the math related aspects of the golden ratio, and now you want to see it applied to real life, right? Well, you already know about various ways the golden ratio appears in real life, and you probably haven't even thought about it at all! ---- One of the first peoples to use the golden ratio in their art, architecture, and other aspects of daily life was the Egyptians. They called the golden ratio the "sacred ratio" and used it in their hieroglyphics and pyramids, as well as other monuments to the dead. ---- The sides of the Egyptian pyramids were golden triangles. Additionally, the three-four-five triangle is a golden ratio between the five unit side and the three unit side. The Egyptians considered this kind of right triangle extremely important and used it also in the pyramids. ---- ---- The Egyptian hieroglyphics also contained many proportions based on the golden ratio. The letter h, for example, is the golden spiral. Additionally, p and sh are created using golden rectangles ---- However, the use and occurance of the Golden Ratio in aesthetics doesn't end with the ancient Egyptians. It was used by the Pythagoreans, Greeks, Romans, and artists during the Renaissance. ---- The frequent appearance of the Golden Ratio in the arts over thousands of years presents us with an interesting question: Do we surround ourselves with the Golden Ratio because we find it aesthetically pleasing, or do we find it aesthetically pleasing because we are surrounded by it?In the 1930's, New York's Pratt Institute laid out rectangular frames of different proportions, and asked several hundred art students to choose which they found most pleasing. The winner? The one with Golden Ratio proportions.

What household items have the golden ratio?

A few household things with the golden ratio are a credit card and a student id card. sorry i don't have anything else but I'm doing homework on this so if anyone else has another household thing with the golden ratio i could use some help!

How you can use Phi in a human body?

The Greek letter Phi is used to represent the Golden ratio. Some scientists believe that the Golden ratio plays a part in the perception of human beauty, so if one is considering cosmetic surgery, one may want to take the Golden ratio into account.

Who used th golden ratio in their paintings?

Some say that Dürer used it.

What type of artwork do the Seminole produce?

Some of the earlier forms of basketweaving are credited to the Seminole. Today their artists work in every media.

Why does the golden ratio exist?

Our appreciation of the golden ratio probably derives from some kind of subconscious mathematical process. Our brains do all sorts of things that we do not consciously know about. In an evolutionary sense, we are designed to recognize patterns, since that is central to our understanding of the world in which we live and our ability to function within it, and as a result, we often see patterns, even when they are illusionary. The golden ratio is a pattern of sorts.