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Because they have different chemical properties and boil at different temperatures

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Q: Why do the fractions separate at different temperatures?
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Related questions

Why is a thermometer needed when separating crude oil?

Because different fractions separate at different temperatures.

How does a fractionating column separate crude oil into different parts?

The fractionating column takes advantage of the fact that the different parts (fractions), which form the mixture known as crude oil, boil (or evaporate) at different temperatures. The fractionating column is effectively an advanced distillation process. The bottom part of the column is the hottest part where heavy fractions such as tar do not evaporate, but lighter fractions will boil off and travel upwards through the column. The top part of the column is the coolest part where only the lightest fractions form a vapour. At various points between the top and bottom, the different fractions condense into liquids at different temperatures and can be drawn off in purified liquid form.

How is it possible to separate crude oil substances?

Through a process known as fractional distillation, also called cracking.The oil is heated and vapours of the various components are given off. The different vapours condense at different temperatures and these fractions are collected.

Explain how the different chemical compounds in crude oil are separated?

Crude oil is distilled, producing different fractions at different temperatures.

How do you separate air's gasses?

Lower the temperature. Different parts will liquify and freeze at different temperatures.

What is a process where a substance is heated evaporated and cooled in a collection chamber and the different fractions of crude oil distill at different temperatures?


How would you separate liquids if two liquids boil at different temperatures?


What is used to separate different fractions in crude oil?

Typically they are separated in a fractional distillation tower.

How can you use evaporation to separate materials?

Materials evaporate at different temperatures. Collect (condense) the evaporated material at the proper temperatures and you have separated them.

What property of the fractions makes the fractional distillation works?

Because the mixed liquids have different boiling points allowing the different liquids to boil at different times!

Can I buy a freezer with separate compartments kept at different temperatures?

No, you can buy fridges that way however.

What do decimals separate?

Decimals separate whole numbers from fractions.