Common Denominator means that the denominators in two (or more) fractions are common, or the same. The common denominator is important because before you can add or subtract fractions, the fractions need to have a common denominator.
Sometimes fractions have different denominators, like 2/3 and 3/4. If you want to add or subtract them, they need to have the same denominator. In order to do that, you find a common denominator which is the same thing as a common multiple, only with denominators.
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You DO need a common denominator to add, subtract, or compare fractions. You DO NOT need a common denominator to multiply or divide fractions.
You need at least one more fraction in order to have a common denominator.
A common denominator is 7.A common denominator is 7.A common denominator is 7.A common denominator is 7.
No you do not.