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Cause American don't like change. They are lazy and greedy. any attempt to cause the smallest change will be meet with great force because somebody has to spend or lose some money, and they just cant take that. That's why some corporate head has to drive around in armored limos because they fear their greedy competitors would assassinate them. And then there's the dumb uneducated last generation Americans who believed that America is the best at everything and superior to everything and they will not tolerate their kids being taught by the (metric system) "devil's way." and THey want it taught like they had it the "good old fashion way." Is that why the majority of last gen. American sucks at math and science?.... can't even accept simple change. Not to mention all the NASA failures due to unit conversion problems between metrics and SI units. The rest of the world is leaving America behind because Americans is resting on their laurels. And becoming too greedy and fat! That's why they don't want to change. Because they have become scums that just want a piece of the pie. A pie that they don't make them selves anymore. they've gotta get it from other countries. and that, is why my friend America has been deteriorating in the last 2 decades. And that is why they can't accept even a unit change.

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Q: Why does America still use the English system?
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What would you say to convince people to use a different system of standard units?

To Metric: The English system is only used by basically one country and is unnecessarily complicated! The metric system uses tens and its multiples, very simple! To English: Be different! Don't go with the flow of the world. English system is radical and AMERICAN!

How many mils are in one inch?

A mil is one thousandth of an inch or 0.0001 inch.Hence, there are 1000 mils in one inch. Mils are often used as measurement in manufacturing in countries that are on the English standard. Such as the United States and some countries in South America. The rest of the world uses the metric system or meters.Mils seem to have taken hold in the manufacturing of printed circuit boards. Many countries that are using the metric system still use English Mils for electronic manufacturing.Doing a quick search for PCB manufacturing or manufactures you will see the term Mils all over the place. The reason for this is the United States was the dominate leader in electronic manufacturing when it was in its infancy.Keeping it in the electronic industry is the cost of developing manufacturing equipment using the metric system to replace current English equipment.

What Number system did not use the place value system?

The Romans didnt use the place value system

How do we use Archimedes' discoveries today?

People all around America still use Archimedes discoveries today. Like The snail screw we use that to raise and move water. Another discovery from Archimedes we use today is pi. We use pi to find the circumference for circles. Everyone should use the "Principles of Archimedes" because we use that to weigh objects.

What are the three advantages of the SI system over the English system?

1. SI system is standardized worldwide, unlike the English system, where there may be differences in different countries.2. SI system has units that are either 10 times, 100 times, or 1000 times the smaller unit, making it easier to remember, for example, there are 1000 mm per meter, 100 cm per meter, and 1000 meters per kilometer. English system could be anything when converting from smaller to larger units, making it difficult to remember it all, for example, 3 feet per yard, 12 inches per foot, and 5280 feet per mile.3. When converting from distance to area to volume, the SI units are still 10, 100, 1000, or 10,000 times the other unit, for example, there are 10,000 square meters per hectare and one cubic cm per ml. English system again could be anything, requiring a lot of memorization of conversion factors,or constantly looking up the conversion factors, for example, 43560 square feet per acre, and 0.133680556 cubic feet per gallon.CommentThe SI system uses powers of ten raised to multiples of 3. It does not use 'centi', 'deka', etc. The centimetre, for example, is not used in SI. Neither does it use the litre.

Related questions

What is the English System of units?

In the old days the English created the imperial system (the us still use this system). But nowadays they use the metric system.

How many countries still use the English system of Measurement?

Only 4 remaining countries use the English Imperial system of measurements 1) Liberia 2) Myanmar (formerly known as Burma) 3) United States of America 4) UK* *Though The metric system is in official use within the United Kingdom; however, use of Imperial unit is widespread in many cases." For example it is illegal for metric road signs and illegal to sell draught beer in metric.

What is America's measuring system?

America use the Imperial system.

Why does the US still use the English system units?

Business considered it to be too expensive to change over at that time.

What is a language they use in south America?


What did the English system use meters for?

The English system used meters for measuring length.

Why you still used English system despites that metric system is the universal system of measurement?

While the metric system is widely used and considered the universal system of measurement, some countries, like the United States, still use the English system due to historical reasons and tradition. Transitioning to the metric system can be a slow and costly process, requiring changes in infrastructure, education, and industry practices. Additionally, there may be resistance from individuals and industries comfortable with the English system.

Do scientists use English system or the metric system of measurement?

Scientists primarily use the metric system of measurement in their work due to its standardized units and ease of conversion. The metric system is based on powers of ten, making calculations simpler and more accurate. The English system, also known as the Imperial system, is less commonly used in scientific research due to its lack of consistency and standardized units.

Is this site American or English?

This website ( is American. The English do use it, but it was created in America.

What type of measurement system does America use?

generally the imperial system

Is the US the only country that does not use the metric system?

America is not a country, it is a continent. The USA, Burma and Liberia do not use the metric system as an official system of measurements. However the USA still uses metric measurements heavily in many areas, particularly scientific ones.

For emergencies in America do they still use 999?

No, they use 911 or 112.