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There are many ways to indicate multiplication aXb=ab=a∙b=(a)(b)=a*b

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Q: Why does Scientific Notation have a X sign and other multiply have a dot?
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What is the percent notation for 0.23?

23% just multiply by 100 and add the percent sign in the back of your answer.

What determines the sign of the exponent when a number is written in scientific notation?

The sign of the exponent for a number written in scientific notation depends on whether it is a whole number or a fraction. 40 is 4 x 101 0.4 is 4 x 10-1

What is the scientific notation of 0.0314?

3.14 X 102 Actually the answer is missing a - sign, should be 3.14x10-2

Can a negative number be expressed in scientific notation?

Yes, a negative number can be expressed in scientific notation. In scientific notation, a negative number is indicated by the negative sign (-) placed before the first significant digit. The number is then written in the form of a decimal number between 1 and 10, multiplied by a power of 10. For example, -3.2 x 10^-5 is a negative number expressed in scientific notation.

Whicle converting a number to scientific notation if you move the decimal point four places to the left then the exponent that you use for the 10 will have a negative sign?

No, it will not.

What is a compact way of writing numbers with absolute values that are very large or very small?

The method used is called scientific notation.

What is 10 to the power of -10?


What are the four parts of a number in scientific notation?

Scientific notation is a way of representing numbers, usually very large or very small, in the forma*10b where 1 &acirc;&permil;&curren; |a| < 10 is a decimal number and b is an integer (negative or positive).a is called the mantissa and b is called the exponent.The four parts that can vary arethe sign of a,the value of a,the sign of b, andthe [integer] value of b.

What is equilibrium in math?

Equilibrium in math is when you have two expressions that are equal to each other. generally the notation for this is the = sign.

What way in scientific notation do you swing the decimal for positive numbers?

Whether the number is positive or negative is not relevant. What matters is the sign of the exponent. If THAT is positive then the decimal point is moved to the right.

How do i multiply integers with different signs?

Just multiply without the sign. Then add a minus sign to the result.

How do you convert numbers from scientific notation to real?

Scientific notation is real.To convert a number in scientific notation to normal form: &middot; If b is positive, move the decimal point b places to the right in the number a &ndash; adding 0s at the end of the number, if required. &middot; If b is negative, move the decimal point b places to the left in the number a &ndash; adding 0s immediately after the decimal point, if required. &middot; The final expression has the same sign (+ or -) as a in the scientific form. For example: 4.56*10^5 = 456000. -4.56*10^5 = -456000. 4.56*10^-5 = 0.0000456